Cardiff Estate Agent Website Wins Award

As the website designer for the Cardiff based Estate Agent’s website, Jaijo are overjoyed to announce that Kelvin Francis have been awarded The Website Award 2012 for Estate Agents in the county of South Glamorgan.

The award has been given based upon an assessment of powerful algorithms including measures of content, relevance, popularity and also user experience.

Kelvin Francis are an independently owned and operated firm of Chartered Surveyor Estate Agents, with 34 years of experience. They are also used to winning having picked up awards of the Best Estate Agency in Cardiff and South Glamorgan awards, with the prestigious and international UK Property Awards and winners of the Silver Award for the Best Small Estate Agency in Wales, with the ‘Sunday Times’ and ‘The Times’ Residential Property Awards.

Congratulations to the team at Kelvin Francis & Co, Clarks Computers and of course, a pat on the backs for ourselves. It’s the third Estate Agent website designed by Jaijo that has picked up an award, after Barton Wyatt’s previous two awards for it’s website.

Kelvin Francis, director had this to say “We are delighted with the design and make up of our web-site. It has many excellent features that our Clients and Customers seem to like. The site was built for us 18 months ago and since then, has benefited from many developments. We wanted it to be easy to use, easy on the eye and containing interesting information for the Public and this award indicates that this has been achieved.”