meet the team

The Jaijo team is made up of a tight-knit group of talented people working out of our Ascot studio. We also have a group of awesome people we call in when we need that little extra specialist help, such as SEO, printing and sign writing.

Jai Taylor - Designer


creative director

The driving force behind the Jaijo machine, Jai is known for his late night sessions and addiction to Starbucks coffee (other coffee shops will be considered). Jai’s ability to turn a client’s concept into a living breathing brand is truly unique.

Lindsay Taylor


director & accounts

The brains of the operation, Lindsay keeps the team in check and handles all the unpleasantness that comes with running a business. Lindsay’s strategic vision has played an important part in the success of the studio as a whole.

Simon Ruddock Software Engineer


lead software engineer

Simon is our resident tekkie, there is nothing he doesn’t know about data and the bases within which they are stored. Viewing the world in zeroes and ones, Simon assures us he was not sent from the future by SkyNet, but his capacity to understand code leaves us all a little suspicious.


graphic designer

The latest addition to the team is Miles, bringing a wealth of experience in design across all medias. Football crazy, which is evident by his choice of supported team… Birmingham.


software engineer

Barry doesn’t actually look like this, he’s actually incredibly handsome. We’re just waiting for a good hair day. When he’s not smashing code like Neo from the Matrix he can be found working on his guns like Arnie in Predator.


digital marketing manager

You’ll find Ashley’s never short of a word or two, when she’s not talking your ear off you’ll find her reading the dictionary for fun. She’s picky with her proof-reading and has a great eye for detail, she just can’t help it, but it comes in useful around here sometimes. She’s friendly, makes a good cup of tea, and keeps on top of the socials.
Laura Redman Accounts



Laura is good at counting, like REALLY good. She doesn’t need her fingers or anything and she’s currently learning how to work the abacus. While these kind of qualifications might make her over qualified for the role, she assures us that she is happy to slum it
Lloyd the Dog


head of barketing

Yeah that’s right – we’re not above using puns. The jury’s out on Lloyd. He turns up when he feels like it, is a bit of a nuisance and distraction and if he wasn’t so cute would probably have been sacked by now. Lloyd is a dog.
