We have a number of useful contacts and extras services that we can offer in support of our main products.
web hosting & domain registration
We can host your site on our own dedicated server account with Namesco. We can also register any available domain name on your behalf.
web management
For a monthly fee we can manage your website for you, making sure the site is constantly live with fresh content and the latest news.
design consultancy retainer
We offer a very competitive package rate for design consultancy services. For a set monthly fee we would be your on-call design/consultancy service responding to all enquiries within 24 hours. Included within this fee is an agreed number of discounted hours consultancy time per month.
We work closely with our printers to provide the best quality printing quote and service for you and our designs.
website optimisation
Our websites are created so they have a good chance at being positioned high on the search engine rankings, but it sometimes takes a special touch. This is why we have at our disposal a number of guys who specialise in getting websites up the rankings.
For more information or just a chat about the additional services we offer contact us